Email Notifications

[Updated February 12, 2020]

After registering an account with, the system sends you a verification email. The email contains a link that directs you to the account page and the password can be set. You will also receive email notifications from the site about content you are following, Groups you are a member of, etc.

If you are not receiving email notifications

If you are not receiving email notifications, here are some troubleshooting steps to take before contacting us:

Step 1:

Have you received the confirmation email in your inbox? It is possible that the email has been sent to spam or filtered to another folder or tab.

Please check your spam folder.

Step 2:

If you cannot find the email please try resetting your password from this form:  

Step 3:

If you still don’t receive an email, please send a message to from the email address you're using to access the site and include the user name you created for your account creation.   

Bonus Step - for you techie types:

Notifications from the site come from the domain (and Make sure to add the address to your Safe Senders list in Outlook. Here is some useful information:

If you're in a larger organization with a tech team, please ask them to "whitelist the domain at the mailserver level."